Classic and elegant, the Casper Bouquet is perfect for nearly any occasion. Made up of fresh, long-stem flowers in a range of whites, greens, and creams, paired with seasonal foliage. Beautifully arranged and wrapped in our signature thick kraft paper with white tissue.
Each bouquet is made to order by our expert florist, and includes a wet wrap to keep flowers fresh during transit.
As with all our floral arrangements, price includes flowers and foliage, labour to construct, packaging and consumables. Delivery is available for an additional fee.
Included with each bouquet is a set of care instructions. Want to make sure you get the most out of your flowers? Check out the handy tips in this article here.
All floral arrangements are made fresh to order, and include a set of care instructions.
For our themed arrangements, such as the Smeg, Casper, or Camaro bouquets, the colouring, style, and value of the arrangement you receive will be the same as what is pictured, although the actual blooms used may differ.
For any product labelled ‘Florist’s Choice’, such as our Hat Box Posies, the flowers you receive will not be the same as what is pictured. All florist’s choice arrangements are custom made to order, and could include any flowers in any colour or style. However, the value of the arrangement will still be the same.
You can read more about this in our terms and conditions.
We deliver flowers and gifts across the Auckland metropolitan area. Unfortunately, this means some rural/outer suburbs are excluded. To check we can deliver to your address, use the postcode checker below:
Same-Day Delivery
Available Monday to Friday for our local Silverdale/Hibiscus Coast area, as well as parts of the North Shore (excludes rural addresses). Orders for same-day delivery must be placed before 2:00pm.
Next-Day Delivery
Available to non-local addresses within our Auckland delivery area. Orders for next-day delivery must be placed before 2:00pm. Available Tuesday – Friday.
For more information, including pricing and terms and conditions, please refer to our Flower Delivery Information page.
Click-and-collect is available Mon, Wed, Thu, & Fri for all online orders. You can choose your collection date and time at checkout. When your pick up time rolls around, simply pull in, park, and collect your order from the shop.