Hive to Home Honey


Indulge in the natural goodness of Hive to Home Manuka mono-floral honey. Hive to Home Manuka honey is sourced from the backcountry of Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand where Manuka thrives in quality and quantity. This Hive to Home honey is rich in antioxidants and unique antibacterial properties, offering a delightful balance of robust and delicious flavour from naturally flowering New Zealand Manuka.

Product Information



Indulge in the natural goodness of Hive to Home Manuka mono-floral honey. Hive to Home Manuka honey is sourced from the backcountry of Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand where Manuka thrives in quality and quantity. This Hive to Home honey is rich in antioxidants and unique antibacterial properties, offering a delightful balance of robust and delicious flavour from naturally flowering New Zealand Manuka. Savour the essence of nature’s finest, straight from our hives to your home. Perfect for enhancing your wellness and adding a touch of luxury to your daily routine whether it be on toast in the mornings, drizzled over your favourite foods, or a sweet treat straight from the spoon.

Our hives spend the summer season in pristine remote backcountry blocks where the bees enjoy a buffet of wild Manuka. At the end of the season the honey is meticulously harvested from the remote sites, extracted in a state of the art facility in Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand. Absolutely nothing is added to the honey meaning you get a 100% natural product. The honey is then jarred and hand labelled ready for your table.

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